AdVaes' Cloud & ESG Information Service

Online information and data service to analyse and compare the environmental, social and governance (CSR/ESG) strategies and indicators of IT service providers and the cloud computing ecosystem.

AdVaes is a market intelligence and operational strategic consulting firm, specialising in the analysis of cloud markets and ESG approaches of IT service providers and their ecosystem..

"Leverage Data and Insights to Benchmark, Follow Progress and Choose Cloud Providers, Software and IT Vendors Based on Their Sustainable Practices and Their Business Strategy" - AdVaes

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​This service has been labeled by ​Cap Digital,​ the European center for digital and ecological transition and is supported by an INNOV'up grant from the Ile de France Region with Bpifrance.

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The power of data and visualisation in a high value online service

Image Complexity
Image Rond Processus

Access to +100 CSR/ESG indicators whose data has been converted into a structured format to be viewed and compared dynamically.

Image Rond Sources

Thousands of pages and hundreds of public documents scrutinised by our expert teams in digital, cloud and specific ESG issues.

Image Rond Hierarchy

Information sources validated and analysed using algorithms and artificial intelligence tools in support of our experts.

Image Rond Blocnote

Identify key indicators and associated reference
data since 1997.

Image Rond Ronds

Compare IT provider practices and indicators
on same bases and evaluate their progress.

Image Rond Screen

Appreciate differentiating points and those
to be reinforced, strengths and weaknesses.

Image Rond Clock

Save time and find the right arguments
to facilitate decisions.

Image Collaboration

6 main categories of data tracked

Data relating to the areas of "sustainability" monitored (environment, equity & inclusion, ethics & trust), including those specific to the activities of IT and cloud service providers.

For example, +50 indicators are analysed on environmental sustainability.
Data Centres & IT
Data on  strategies and approaches of IT providers in terms of data centres and internal IT, associated specific indicators (cf. PUE, WUE, service life of servers, cooling systems, low carbon energies, etc.), specific information for those located in France (location, m2 of IT rooms, year of opening, etc.).
Certifications & Labels
Certifications obtained by IT and cloud providers and other labels specific to a field or activity (for example ISO 50001 or ISO 14001 in environmental matters).

Beyond that, codes of conduct or recognized market standards followed (cf. ASHRAE, Code of Conduct for Energy Efficiency in Data Centers...).
Ratings & Scorings
ESG ratings and scores obtained by IT and cloud providers analysed, issued by rating agencies or bodies recognised by the market (CDP, MSCI, DJSI, Sustainalytics, EcoVadis, ethiFinance, FTSE4Good, etc.).

Monitoring over time of the evaluations obtained since 2019.
Acquisitions & Investments
Companies acquired by IT and cloud providers and financial investments made in other companies since 2020, targeted segments and nature of investments, including those in ESG areas.

These data make it possible to better understand strategies of positioning and development on providers' markets.
Finance & HR
General data on IT and cloud providers, turnover trends and workforce evolution since 2017, Worldwide and in France. Breakdown of revenue by major item: share dedicated to cloud activities, to software licenses and IT services sale. Breakdown of the workforce by major function, percentage of women in the workforce, turnover rate.
Image 15 Points Verts
Image 10 KPI AdVaes

Market Watch & Trends | Analyst Reports & Analyses

Image News Veille
Image 7 Rond Rules

Regulatory monitoring

Image Rond People

Expert advice

Image Rond Chart

Reports and analyses published by AdVaes

Image Rond Checklist

Market and IT providers monitoring
(trends, innovations, key news, etc.)

4 subscription plans adapted to your needs
starting at 468 euros per year and per user


Best for testing and for accessing general information on vendor CSR/ESG practices and related IT market trends

General infos & ESG laws
ESG ratings & scores
Data centre approaches
Market insights flow
Advanced search and more...

more info


+ Best for accessing to key data and insights

Everything in Starter, plus:
Overall sustainable approaches
Sustainable IT approaches
ESG certifications & labels
Data centre strategies
Vendor turnover & cloud data
more info


+ Best for accessing in-depth data + support services

Everything in Medium, plus:
Carbon and GHG footprints
Data center key indicators
General HR data
Acquisitions & investments
Analyst support
more info


+ Best for accessing all data and add-on services

Everything in Premium, plus:
Specific sustainable practices
Data centre characteristics
Cloud, services & software data
Vendor profile
On request data export
more info

Interested to know more?

Whatever your challenges and the maturity of your organisation on these subjects,
make an appointment for a personalised demonstration:

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and data available
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best fit your needs
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to your questions
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